The Team 1C Balls

We have had 2 Stars and Stripes Balls so far (before Covid happened) and between the 2 events we raised over £40k. I think almost as important as the amount of money raised, was the amount of fun that we had. Yes it is a great charity fundraiser, but it also gives our families something to look forward to and it is the highlight of the Team 1C calendar. It is a fantastic opportunity for all our families to meet up and let their hair down (even if it then gets covered in raining Coco Pops!). Families are able to name a table after their Team 1C 'star' and meet other families who have been through similar experiences to them in a fun, relaxed environment. We have amazing food, a few (maybe more than a few) drinks and have a night off from all the trauma and hurt we have been through all while raising money for worthy causes. As the last Ball was hosted by Jonny Bongo we were treated to our very own private Bongo's Bingo. It may have gotten a little out of hand ;-)

Charity Number: 1200312